About Me
I write, in my own newsletter and for major publications, about my experiences in schools and as a mother, and trying to find the humor in the challenging situations parents and children face each day.
I am a proud ADHDer. I wrote about my experience receiving an ADHD diagnosis late in life here.
I have worked in schools for over a decade as a teacher, counselor, and school psychologist. I have experience with all kinds of children and families, and specialize in helping children who are struggling to learn, socialize, or navigate their emotional world. I have seen the brightest and most dedicated parents get bogged down by the differing opinions and endless options for how to support their children, and am passionate about giving parents the support, information, and coaching they need to determine what's right for their particular child and family.
I received my Doctorate in Education and credential as a School Psychologist from the University of California, Berkeley. I am currently Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP #3753) in private practice. I also have a special education teaching credential, and worked for several years as a teacher of autistic, ADHD, and learning disabled children. I have worked in public, private, and non-public schools all over the Bay Area. I train teachers on how to work with diverse learners at the Bay Area Teacher Training Institute.